#008 - Back to School
(Pokémon and related elements ™,©1995-99 Creatures/GAME FREAK/Nintendo.)
Storyline, art by Robert H. Magnusson



Chue leaned over to turn off his alarm. "As if these things couldn't be MORE annoying..."


"Well, class, welcome back, and congratulations are in order to Mr. Raton for reaching the city finals..." Chue's teacher, Professor Azam, addressed the gathering students, getting up and adjusting his glasses. "I must say, I find it gratifying that you actually fight OUTSIDE my class..."

"Very FUNNY, Professor." Chue sighed, remembering the many times he had gotten in trouble. He had to admit Prof. Azam was tough but fair.

"Now then. I trust everyone completed their weekend assignment... chapters three and four of the Evolutionary Guidebook..."

Chue's ears shot up. "Oh, GREAT! I forgot all ABOUT it!!"

Chue had thought rather than spoken those words, but once he did, Prof. Azam turned from the blackboard and approached his desk. "FORGOT, did you, Mr. Raton?..."

Psychics. Chue just let the professor continue. "Perhaps you'd like to SHARE with the class, the four EXCEPTIONS of the usual evolutions..."

"That's easy - GENGAR, Golem... uh, Ma... champ... and... and... uhmm..." By now Chue was visibly sweating. "Uhh... it's... it's right on the tip of my tongue..."

Prof. Azam folded his arms, holding one of his spoons. "I'm sure it IS. See me after CLASS, Raton."


After class, Prof. Azam just paced with his arms behind his back as Chue looked on worried. "Mr. Raton, I must say, I am EXTREMELY disappointed. Since you began training for this tournament, you have been negligent in your studies." Chue gulped. "As much as it PAINS me, if you don't PASS tomorrow's examination, I must request you be WITHDRAWN from the finals."

"Professor AZAM! You WOULDN'T!"

"I'm afraid I WOULD, Mr. Raton. It would damage our CIVILITY irreparably to allow UNEDUCATED Pokémon to fight."


Chue left for home that afternoon, alone as usual, but lonely... sad and lonely. And worried sick...

"Hey, pipsqueak! Long time no see!..."

"SANDY?" Chue turned around. "SANDY BURROUGHS! I thought you dropped OUT!"

"I DID... I just thought I'd come back!"

"Uh... okay..." Sandy hadn't been very kind to Chue in the past, or much of anyone else for that matter. Her bullying ways made her a very uneasy acquaintance, and for some reason, she seemed to enjoy picking on Chue the most. When you're on your way to being the best, he guessed...

"By the way, congratulations on making the finals!" Chue was brought out of his reminiscence. "So why are you so DOWN?..."

"Well, if you MUST know, Professor Azam says if I don't pass tomorrow's test, I won't be able to FIGHT!"

"Wait right HERE..." Sandy lept into the air and, feet first, drilled herself into the ground like that rabbit Chue kept seeing in cartoons. He just watched the hole for a minute, scratched his head, and walked off. Maybe this wasn't a good...

Bzzzt WHAM! "I thought I told you to WAIT!" Sandy had surfaced just under Chue's feet, knocking him down. Ah, the memories, if not good ones...

Chue picked himself up and looked at the paper in Sandy's paw. "The ANSWERS to the TEST?! I dunno, Sandy..."

"Ah, come ON, Chue - what could it possibly hurt?"

Suddenly the paper disintegrated in a quick zap courtesy of Chue. "FORGET it, Sandy, you're not getting me into trouble AGAIN..."

"Still STUBBORN, aren't you?" Sandy paused, and put her paw into her pants pocket. "Look, I'm SORRY about all that - here, take THIS as a peace offering!"

"A WATER stone?!" Chue looked at the pendant she had taken out.

"It's not a REAL water stone... just costume jewelry, but it's very nice."

"Now WHAT would I do with a costume water stone?"

"Well, don't you have... you know... that special SOMEONE?" She leaned toward Chue with her paws clasped together, blinking her beady eyes and smiling. "Or do you... NEED one?"

"FORGET it, Sandy, I've GOT a girlfriend." Chue turned to go home. He had too much studying to do to worry about Sandy. Maybe Marrilyn WOULD like the pendant though, come to think of it...


"Great news, boss, the TRANSMITTER has been delivered."


-- Next: Don't Know Much About History...

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