#015 - Pokémon Challenge, Part Two
(Pokémon, all related elements ™,© 1995-2000 Creatures/GAME FREAK/Nintendo)
Storyline, art by Robert H. Magnusson

Marrilyn watched from where she remained bound to the de-evolution chamber, watching as Chue took an unexpected break from his hopelessly one-sided match with Sandra. "Come ON, Chue... NOW what?!"

Tartaruga rubbed his hands as Sandra pushed Chue in front of the large monitor just outside the room they had been using for competition. "Well, this is IT, Chue - round two, where your friend CHAMP is going DOWN." He smiled an evil smile. "Heh heh heh... and I stand to make literally MILLIONS. The Society will be PLEASED."


Meanwhile, in the ring, Champ was staggering slightly, making no effort to conceal a yawn. "Champ? You okay?...."

"Yeah... sure... Odie... I'll...... be....... snx...... zzzzzzzz........"

"This is UNBELIEVABLE!" Ray shouted into the microphone of the announcer's booth. "Champ has just fallen asleep, and round two is just about" *DING!* "...to start!"

Confident her Sleep Powder had taken effect, Ivy stepped toward the exit to report back to Team Rocket... "WAIT-A-SECOND!" She stopped dead in her tracks and looked back. "They're starting, and... and... this... this is IMPOSSIBLE!!"

What Ivy saw was seen by every Pokémon watching the match, at the gym, at home, or at Tartaruga's base. Her heart sank...

"CHAMP... is actually continuing to FIGHT in his SLEEP!...." It was true - and fighting well. The countless hours Champ spent training meant he could practically fight in his sleep - little knowing he would actually have to DO so.

A sudden roundhouse from Lee left Champ spinning to the mat, still sound asleep. "Still, this could give Lee the momentum he needs!"

Tartaruga's smile gradually returned as Lee watched Champ, still snoring, stagger from the mat onto his feet.

"This could be it right HERE, ladies and gentlemen - !" Lee reared back for his most powerful flying kick, and time seemed to stand still as he floated toward his rival, his clawed, taped foot inches from Champ's face...


"THE WINNAH!!" Before anyone could react, Champ's fist was in front of him, and Lee had been punched sky-high with the combined impact of his kick and Champ's punch, leaving a clean hole in the roof of Champ's gym...



"No." Tartaruga's face fell as he just stood for several minutes. "NOOOO!! MY BOSS WILL....!!" Percy, knowing full well what was coming next, cringed...

Seconds later, the Persian sat out cold, as Tartaruga began to regain his composure, his fist and head aching. "... All right, Spiro, activate the de-evolution beam."

"WHAT?!!" Chue shouted.

"Yes, Pikachu fool, I must make money SOMEHOW - the Marril shall pay me back TENFOLD."

Marrilyn began to worry, still trapped under the beam, which was beginning to charge rapidly, filling the room with a green glow. "C'mon, Chue, I can't DO this my..."

She looked at the bubble of her tail, reflecting the charging beam's light. "...Then again...!"

NEXT: Pokémon Challenge Finale!


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